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Pearland Bicycles Presents the 2025 TMBRA Team Challenge

Pearland Bicycles Presents the 2025 TMBRA Team Challenge

Get your rosters ready for the 2025 Texas Mountain Bike Team Challenge and join the race to determine the top teams in Texas. The Team Challenge has seen the traveling trophy move from city to city as shops, friends and sponsors field their very best to race for top team honors. This year’s competition promises to be more exciting than ever.

The Texas Team Challenge has awarded IMBA over $10,000 to date, making this a great way to add another dimension to the racing, plus donate to such a worthwhile organization.

Get your roster together and sign up for what promises to be another action packed season of team racing. All mountain bike teams are invited to participate in the Texas Team Challenge, to be held in conjunction with the 2025 Texas XC Mountain Bike State Championship Series.

The Rules

The team manager must fill out a roster for each rider on the team. Please use this link to fill out your rosters REGISTER HERE Please fill out the form only once per team to be registered for the team competition. You must enter the first and last name of each racer, their date of birth and their TMBRA series plate number (all data must match the racer’s TMBRA profile). Once the season starts there are no substitutions across team rosters. Additions are allowed but the new team addition racer’s prior points will not be counted prior to their team addition date. The registration fee is $5 per team member payable to TMBRA by Feb. 26th. Cash or Check only sent to the following address: TMBRA 141 West Water St. A-200 Kerrville, TX 78028. You are allowed to register up to 15 racers on your team.

When registering at each race, please have team members include the EXACT “Team Name” that your team is using.  A racer’s points may only be used by one registered team during a season.  If a racer changes teams at any time during the series, his points will not count for the old team or the new team. Any changes MUST BE RECEIVED by  email no later than the Wednesday before the next race event and the $5 per rider fee must be paid for points to be counted……NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!

We recommend that you have at least five riders on your team, there is a 15 rider limit.

PLEASE NOTE: Your team and it’s members are solely responsible for 100% correct team roster forms and proper race event registration!!!!! The name on the roster must EXACTLY match the names entered at registration and on your TMBRA profile . The most common reason for missed points is not using the exact same name or not using the same birth dates.

By submitting a roster team managers agree to the following “code of ethics
1. Team managers will not “stack” their roster with riders who are not actually a part of the team. Adding racers who ride for another team that is not involved with the Texas Team Challenge is not allowed.
2. The Team Challenge team name MUST appear on the race results.
3. Team managers agree to encourage racers to move from Cat 3 to Cat 2 and Cat 2 to Cat 1 when they meet the mandatory upgrade requirements or when the rider’s ability obviously warrants the upgrade.
4. Team managers will not encourage “sandbagging” by asking a racer to stay down for points.


The top FIVE highest placing finishers for each team will determine the team’s total score for each race event.  The best SIX out of EIGHT race events will count.

If you have less than five eligible racers to score, the empty spots will receive a score of “zero”. If you finish, but not within the top thirty racers in your class you will also receive a “zero”.

Prizes and Expenses

There is a $5.00 charge per team member. The team, it’s sponsors, or individual team members may pay this fee. The fee is a one-time charge for the entire series.  When a racer is added to your team, the fee MUST be paid at that time. No refunds from reductions to your roster and fees are non-transferable. This fee will be used strictly for administrative costs, trophies, banners and other expenses. Any Extra money left at the end of the spring series will be donated to IMBA in the winning teams name,


The winning team will have their team name permanently engraved on the Team Challenge travel trophy. First place team will receive a trophy and a banner: the second and third place will receive awards.

ALL ROSTERS and PAYMENTS must be submitted BY February 20, 2025

The Texas Team Challenge is strictly non-profit to benefit all mountain bike racers, race event promoters, racing sponsors, as well as for the preservation of land access to all bicyclists. The Texas Team challenge recognizes and enforces all USAC and Race Series Event regulations and rules. The Texas Team Challenge, it’s board members and TMBRA assume no liability and are strictly administrators of this points series

Submit Roster

Please use this link to submit your roster

TMBRA will administer funds for the Team Challenge.
The fee = $5 X # of riders on the team. Make all checks payable to “TMBRA” If your fee is not paid, your team is not pointed.
Send a check or Cash to: ( no Venmo, Paypal or Credit Cards accepted)

141 West Water St
Kerrville, TX 78028


For publicity and web page use, send us a photo of your team. You can send this with the registration form or at any time during the season. We want to feature each team with their photo and roster on the web page and for any future publicity.

2024 Results

2018 Results (Final)
2017 Results (Final)
2016 Results (Final)
2015 Results (Final)
2014 Results (Final)
2013 Results (Final)
2012 Results (Final)
2011 Results (Final)
2010 Results (Final)
2009 Results (Final)
2008 Results (Final)
2007 Results (Final)
2006 Results (Final)
2005 Results (Final)
2004 Results (Final)

Past Winners

1997 – Wheels and Fitness in Motion
1998 – Wheels and Fitness in Motion
1999 – Sun & Ski
2000 – Hill Country Bicycle Works
2001 – Sun & Ski
2002 – Hill Country Bicycle Works
2003 – /
2004 – Team Orthopedics Store
2005 – Team Bike Lane
2006 – NRC/Pedalmasher
2007 – Team Bike Lane
2008 – Hill Country Bicycle Works
2009 – Hill Country Bicycle Works
2010 – Hill Country Bicycle Works
2011 – Team Bicycle Sport Shop
2012 – Hill Country Bicycle Works
2013 – Hill Country Bicycle Works
2014 – Hill Country Bicycle Works
2015 – Hill Country Bicycle Works
2016 – Team PACC

2017- Team PACC

2018- NWCC

2024- Dripping Springs MTB Team

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